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The Vajra and Bell Stories
or "Wisdom through Seeing" and
"Compassion through Seeing"
remembrances . . .


You may have seen in the thangkas and religious paintings of Tibet that the deities often have various symbols in their hands. I often wonder about them.

I recently saw a vajra and bell for the first time in person, and was captivated immediately… especially by the vajra. It fitted so perfectly in my hand and felt so right and comfortable and powerful - and yet peaceful…

Perhaps like you, I often find that objects come to me (like the road crossing the Zen master) - so I did the right thing and got them to take home and meditate upon them, and what they represented.

The vajra I was told by the nun selling them to me represents Compassion (the male energy), and the bell represents Wisdom (the female energy). [This seems to run against the popular western stereotypes - another contemplation for another time.]

Then, arising out of the remembrance of Rama, I saw two small stories that seem to fit these sacred objects at this time for me. They could be my vajra and bell from Rama, and are also 'seeings' as far as I can tell.

Vajra: "Compassion through Seeing"

Rama once told me a little story about him and Vayu. He said he was trekking up a mountain one time - really powering up - and suddenly saw that Vayu was having difficulty keeping up with him. He said how he suddenly realised and slowed down upon seeing Vayu puffing and panting beside him, that being with Vayu, and enjoying the hike was more important.

I often remember this story - when I am being particularly insensitive to the needs of my companions around me - as I power up the mountain (or task) - and then catch myself looking at the distress it is causing to my fellow travelers. It makes me be in the moment more - and think of others before myself. Many thanks Rama!

Bell: "Wisdom through Seeing"

Back in 1995 I was lucky enough to be with Rama and he pointed out something on the radio. Alison Hargreaves had just returned after reaching the summit of Mount Everest - the first woman to do this solo and unsupported (without oxygen). Rama said to me "Listen to her voice. Hear how high she is…" and as she spoke you could see the panorama of mountain tops around you and feel the icy winds of the Himalayas through your mind.

She was asked what are her coming plans…and she said how she would be returning to see her family, but then would be attempting to climb K-2 in a couple of weeks, the same way she had done Everest. Rama turned to me and said "She shouldn't do that - it's too soon." And that was the end of that. Until several weeks later, back in England, I heard in the news, and read in the newspapers that Alison Hargreaves had gone missing, presumed dead on K-2. Rama knew and saw something - and looking back you could almost feel how untimely it was, how unwise, how impulsive and imprudent a move it was - so soon after the mightiest accomplishment. Was it pride, was it greed, or ignorance? Whatever it was, Rama was Wise.

* Please forgive my incomplete memory, my bias, my ego as I recount these tales - these are unfortunately not word for word but anecdotal, the basic gist of what I remember from my few conversations with Rama. I am hopeful that his light will shine through - that my intentions are noble - and that when you read, his light will blast away the ignorance of both the writer and the reader. May some kernel of truth, some love also lodge in your heart, (as it has done for me) for him.




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