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Seeing the News

I just wanted to say something about how Rama taught me to focus on seeing using world events in the newspaper. I realised that as I was quite psychic (due to meditation) I was often distressed about an unknown something and often felt pulled by a sense of urgency, or negative, or positive energy. However, by reading, in a quick, scanning method, the main news items each morning (eg 15 min), I would get 'over' these worldly things that were pressing onto my attention, that were nothing to do with me, and clear myself for the day.

Rama helped train me to use my seeing - and spoke of the benefit of particular days where seeing is more powerful. He said Sunday nights were good times to look at the week ahead, (to get a feel for what might happen and the right things to do I guess), and particularly Public Holidays. He said this was the time that people were formulating their plans for the week ahead - going back into battle.

Seeing for me is like feeling - like feeling your way around in the dark, or reaching up into the sky to grab a cloud. I am sure it is different for everyone.

Rama also said that normally we can see about 2 days ahead. For example, if you felt something bad was going to happen, (and you might even be able to tell the type of thing and where it was going to happen)...then about two days later (if you look for the signs) you probably would hear or experience something that matched your feeling. The major events can be seen about 2 weeks or more in advance.

It's pretty amazing and yet so simple!

So when you see the palm-reader on TV, with her flowing cape, and crystal ball...and she says that the letter 'J', Tahiti, and a call from the past all have some meaning for you - you may not laugh and dismiss her as a quack after all!






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