Dreamer on RamaLila.NET
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Goodmorning, goodafternoon, goodevening or goodnight (pick all that apply);

I am a seer. I have been a seer for many lives. You too have the ability to see. We all have this ability. From time to time, I may tell you what I see. I cannot promise that I am right.

This is the age of greatest darkness. It is difficult to see in this time. You must judge for yourself. Compare my vision with yours and if we see the same things, then you will gain the confidence to act.

I see that many of you are wondering what we should do now. Rama's passing has left us without a leader. I see that Rama's students are fragmented and divided amongst themselves. I see strife and tension. I see that we stand at an important moment in time. We stand at a crossroads.

Rama has a number of different generations of students. Each of these generations fell into a trap. They began to use the energy that Rama had given them to fight each other. This was wrong. I believe that all of us understand this. But it has not stopped. A few of Rama's students learned to go beyond this trap. One day they decided that they would not connect with the lower occult any more. These students are not special. They simply worked hard to change themselves.

In Alcoholics Anonymous, they have found that before an alcoholic can be healed, he must first come to accept that he is an alcoholic. He must accept responsibility for the harm that his disease has caused and he must honestly want to change so that he will no longer cause pain to the people that he loves. No one can change the past. But we can change the future. The way to change the future is by concentrating on what you are doing now.

Each of us stands at a crossroads. You can accept that you are a power abuser and take individual responsibility for changing that or you can continue as you are.

I see a wonderful future ahead of us. Rama once said that the greatest miracle is the awakening of an individual being. We have the potential to create a miracle of monumental proportions. Imagine what a tribute it would be to Rama if several thousand of his students all pulled their power together and cleaned up their lives. Join us. It is within your power. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Just do your best to follow Rama's teachings and focus on bright and happy things. Rama is not done teaching you.....But if you want to learn then you must reach out to him.

I SEE that the brightness of Rama's direct students will form a tribute to his teachings that will inspire seekers for a thousand years. What do you SEE???

Carpe Diem.




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