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It is about being in the moment. When you just do things, because you have felt that they are the right thing to do - for something further down the track that your logical brain does not know - you are in fact seeing.

The rational 'I', that is saying "What the hell are you doing now?" is the voice I have to ignore if I am to do the right thing by my seeing. I have to know when to override the logical brain that is stuck in it's routines, and seize the small, milliseconds of an intuition when they dawn, because they are telling me what I need to hear. It is on a daily basis a mixture of deep things, and stupid things, but then again, lots of small stupid things can add up to be very draining.

The problem with trying to put together a list of rules for seeing - is that I don't know them all, and they would have to be broken when you see it is the right thing to do! Here is one I am sure you know…

Rule 1 - Whenever you hear yourself saying - "Don't be stupid!" or "That's not the right thing to be doing!" stop and reassess what voice that is. Is it your intuition speaking, in which case you are right, or is it your rational brain, in which case you should ignore it!

If it is over something that appears to be completely illogical and doesn't make sense, then you can bet your bottom dollar that it is something you should do. (But don't take my word for it - try it yourself!) If, on the other hand, you get a bad feeling about whatever you are about to do or not to do, then you are probably wise to listen to your inner voice.

So - two little stories to show you how it works for me:

Mistake - or "Cotton Buds"
I was in the supermarket the other day, scanning the shelves for the shampoo and toiletries I needed - and being too 'thoughtful' about it - because I committed the basic mistake of not trusting my intuition.

Some cotton buds had caught my eye. My rational brain immediately told me, in no uncertain terms - "You don't need those". I foolishly obliged my tyrant. Returning home, sure enough, with a visitor imminently arriving on the horizon, I saw to my dismay that the cotton bud jar was drastically empty - and this would perhaps be a commodity that my guest would require, and besides, I like having a cotton bud jar full! Now I was forced to spend the energy with that thought, with the remembrance to get them again, and a further shopping trip.

Correct Action - or "Pajamas"
I often passed the window of Crabtree & Evelyn, admired the gifts, and had for a few weeks had my eyes on a pair of pajamas in the window. They were soft and creamy, with tiny delicate flowers - my idea of old-fashioned romance and comfort! I walked in one day, and asked to see them. The whole time it was as though I was hearing myself at a distance. In hindsight it was my 'seeing' that had kicked in - so there I was, internally saying to myself that I really did not need a second pair of pajamas (in summer!), and all the while talking to the shop assistant, paying the bill and watching them get packed up!

Two days later I slipped a disk and was in bed for two weeks - where they really came into their own!

We are wise - if only we listen. Hearing is a complimentary faculty of 'seeing'. You see, your seeing sometimes has a voice, or a feeling or a vision. You listen and hear and feel and see because of and through what I also know as intuition.

"Seeing is a bodily knowledge. The predominance of the visual sense in us influences this bodily knowledge and makes it seem to be eye-related."

The Eagle's Gift - Carlos Castaneda

It is practice, it is Tantric, using everyday occurrences to sharpen the faculties and learning to listen to intuition perfectly, but where is the wonder I wonder sometimes?

There is no apparent reason I can find why I feel compelled to tell my mundane shopping tales to you - therefore (using Rule 1) it must be for a good reason!



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