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Streaming Left Eye Dress For Less Technique

A girl has to take every opportunity she gets to reach enlightenment. For this gal it happened in the casual pants section of the local Ross Dress for Less: a sudden upload of information for a very significant and curiously powerful Seeing Technique! Being a tantric gal, I began to employ the proffered information (on a test basis only, of course) immediately!

I like web terms and tech terms. They've never failed me in my descriptions of the more technical aspects of this practice - so I'll stay with them . . .you've heard of streaming audio, streaming video - this technique employs the same intent of streaming through your "seer's eye" (which happens to be your left eye). You view the world around you just like any other holiday shopper in your local retail outlet (I think this works in upscale establishments, but it may not. You tell me!) You use your left eye to PULL the data you perceive (read "the dream") into your subtle physical with all your will, intent, and with absolutely no thought. You blink normally to blend. Very important.

Once you get the danged thing going, you will notice that the energy you are pulling in has various gradients of quality. The trash you segregate and toss - borderline stuff you can keep for possible recycling and environmental concerns - but the high grade light that is behind all the pixels - the projection lamp which gives the dream that 3-D feel you've come to call reality is the energy you absolutely absorb and assimilate. This is the light of eternity! Make it your total focus (along with, of course, those fine people next to you jostling for your position in line . . . )

After about 15 minutes of the Streaming Left Eye technique (while trying on the finest apparel and exchanging many holiday frivolities with the local riff-raff) I could not help but notice that I was most assuredly experiencing a quantum of light akin to about an hour of meditation practice! Way cool! You there reading this - just keep importing that pure light into your being (get impeccable - accept only the light behind the pixels - anything less is unacceptable) and become infused with the light of eternity. What to do with the other Chakras while this is going on? Everything is tight, closed, centered in the heart and moving upwards. That's a prerequisite, by the way for all seeing (along with stopping thought, of course) but you knew that!

After a couple of hours of the "Streaming Left Eye - Dress for Less" technique, I was able to relax with it, squirrel it away into my second attention, and keep it running in background - as it is now. I heard only one seemingly embittered complaint (probably from some other part of my being) "Increase the bandwidth! Increase the bandwidth!" Yeah, my pipes are still too small, but constant conscientious practice should fix that in a week or two. Practice might make perfect - I'm optimistic!

I must say, if you have any adventure in you at all, give the "Streaming Left Eye - Dress for Less" technique a try. I do believe you'll find in a very short time you can confidently proclaim, "Do you love it? I love it! I got it at Ross!"

Questions? Write me! If you don't have anything to ask, I've got something to ask you, I'm sure!




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