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Shopping for Enlightenment

I was in a large department store doing some shopping when suddenly a loud alarm went off and lights started flashing. I felt that I was in danger and that someone or some force was after me. It was very frightening so I ran and tried to hide under one of the garbage bins that were for sale. I didn't really fit and felt insecure.

From my hiding spot I noticed that the store was in chaos and that everyone was running around madly. I also noticed a force of men dressed in black with huge guns. I thought that they were FBI agents who were searching the building for me alone. One of the men spotted me half under the bin and ran over.

I was terrified. He ordered me to get out and stand up. I thought that it was all over and that I would be shot on the spot. As I stood, ready for the end, the lights in the building returned back to their normal state, the alarm turned off and the other shoppers continued as if nothing had happened. The FBI man put down his gun and said that he had been looking for me and needed to show me something. I began to walk and talk to him. I now felt quite safe in his presence. (This bit is hard to explain.) He showed me that I was in a play or drama that wasn't the only reality and at that moment I found myself in the audience watching the whole department store drama. I was the actor and the audience at the same time.

I kept walking with the man. We left the store and went around the shopping complex. We walked past many stores and I looked in to see people acting out heaps of different dramas. It was like I was outside of it all and part of it at the same time.

The dream went on but that's really all that I remember.





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